Here at Foot Solutions, we often see customers who have painful bunions and cannot find shoes to fit them. Bunions are caused when the bones of the feet are crushed together, usually by poorly fitting shoes, and they are characterised by a painful, bony growth that forms at the base of the big toe.
Bunions, or any type of foot pain, can be very frustrating to live with since they make walking much more difficult. It can be very hard to find shoes for feet that are affected by bunions, especially if they continue to worsen, and swelling, redness or soreness around the joints is common.
What Do You Know About Bunions?
Knowing more about bunions can help to prevent them from worsening, or even prevent them from developing at all. Did you know…?
- Bunions can be hereditary. A tendency to develop bunions may run in families, and the bony growths are especially common in women. 70% of the people who develop bunions are female, which may be linked to genetic factors, but is more likely to be related to footwear choices.
- Poor fitting shoes cause bunions. The main cause of bunions is wearing shoes that do not fit properly, especially high heels or shoes with a narrow toe box that crushes the toes. When the weight of the body is spread evenly over the feet, with shoes that are designed to cushion and absorb the shock of everyday activities, bunions are much less likely to develop. Visit a specialist shoe store such as Foot Solutions for a professional fitting, and talk to us about finding styles that accommodate your feet and do not put pressure on existing bunions.
- Bunions can lead to further problems. Bunions may lead to other conditions of the feet, such as hammertoes, bursitis, or metatarsalgia, a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the balls of the feet. For this reason, it is essential to seek help as soon as possible if you think you are developing bunions. Finding shoes that are wide enough to avoid putting any further pressure on the joints will help to prevent further problems from occurring.
- Exercise can help. Good general health is very important in maintaining good foot health, and eating a well balanced diet and taking regular exercise are invaluable. You should aim to raise your heart rate for at least 30 minutes, five times per week, and including some simple foot stretches and exercise will help to keep your feet in great shape for longer.
- Insoles can be useful. Custom insoles can be very helpful in redistributing the weight across your feet if they have already become damaged. Custom insoles can relieve the pressure that your feet are put under when you walk, and this can be a very easy way to increase your comfort level.
Find Shoes For Foot Pain
Pop into Foot Solutions today and try our stylish and comfortable ranges of shoes for work, training or casual wear. Our friendly and helpful team will be pleased to help you to find the best shoes for your feet.